From our Hearts to Yours,
For Paetyn and Makenzie, Cody and Taylor, Kendric and Kingston, Storm and Xolani, Azhuri, Christopher "Peek," Hannah, Jashaun, Khalil, and LiAngelo; and for you, the brave and courageous little dreamer who will read this book. Like Arty, you are the hero of your story. It is our hope that he will inspire you to not be afraid to share your God-given dreams or creative imaginations with the world.
Sweet Dreams!
Angie & Cheryl
As a former radio personality, Ministry leader,
entrepreneur and author, Angie L. Keaton
Wiggins seeks to inspire and empower others
to continually grow in grace and in God.
Featured on Preach the Word Worldwide
Network TV and Atlanta’s 57 WATC Live
TV, Angie published her first book in 2019,
entitled Spinderella: He Turned IT.
Affectionately known to many as “The Rhyming
Prophet," her unique ability to open
the eyes and ears of others in the room sets
her apart from the rest. Most passionate about
being the Lord’s mouthpiece, Angie has
hosted conferences and summits and received
countless awards and accolades, making her a
highly sought-after speaker, coach and
For booking, speaking engagements,
or interviews, call 850.270.8928 or visit
ALKcopro.com.As Arty’s mother (in the book and in real
life), Cheryl Keaton-Griffin is most
passionate about serving children and the
elderly. Her genuine love and care can be felt
by children young and old from the time they
first, encounter her. As a young adult, Cheryl
created short stories called Children
Sermons; that was two to three minutes long
based on life lessons that were Bible-
centered. A beacon of hope and light in both
ministry and the marketplace, she has been
fortunate to be Employee of the Year twice in
her school district in Tallahassee, Florida. For
booking, interviews, or speaking
engagementsContact her at:
ceedeekaye@gmail.com.Most passionate about making illustrated and
animated series, artist and illustrator Brandon
Wiggins has been drawing since the young
age of three years old. But, for the first time
at now thirty years old, his artwork has been
in a published book. A visual storyteller at
heart, Brandon loves creating fictional worlds
and characters because they are a lifelong
source of entertainment and experience for
people of all ages and backgrounds. A
graduate of The Art Institute of Tampa,
Brandon holds a bachelor’s degree in Media
Arts and Animation.
For samples of his work, visit:
brandonwiggins2d or contact him
at brandonwiggins2d@gmail.com.As a humble and meek young man, Artavius
“Arty” Williams has loved to sing, draw and
tell everyone about his love for Jesus since he
could talk.A senior at Rickards High School in Tallahassee,
Florida, this seventeen-year-old world changer
works after school and during the summer with
students at a local elementary school. When he’s
not empowering elementary students, he’s out
spending time with his friends and/or
shopping. One of many vivid dreams he had
as a child, this book reflects the vision of a
little boy, his dream, and his understanding at
that age of the Holy Spirit.Social Media
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Tallahassee, FL
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Phone: 850-270-8928
Email: Dreams@ArtySavesHisCity.com
Arty Saves His City © 2022
Web Design: Sunshine Creations by DB